
I'm Tjung Shirley, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses & making delicious food for others. I specialise in topics like technology, travel and food. I have extensive experience in computer engineering. I am an accomplished coder and programmer, and I enjoy using my skills to contribute to the exciting technological advances that happen every day. While in school, I earned the Award for my exemplary academic performance and leadership skills. click here →

Taro Milk Tea Recipe

You can make the widely popular taro milk tea right at home using my easy methods. Sipping a sweet, refreshing glass is delicious, fun, and a treat the whole family will enjoy.

▢2 tablespoons taro powder
▢¼ cup tea, strongly brewed
▢1 cup milk
▢1 teaspoon simple syrup (optional)
▢⅓ cup boba pearls

  1. Prepare your boba pearls and allow to cool before using in any iced drink recipe.
  2. Brew the tea and allow to cool. I tend to brew very strong tea as I don’t use much in this recipe.
  3. In a large cup or mug, whisk together the milk and taro powder. I will often use a frothing wand to incorporate the powder quickly and well. But you can do this by hand with a small whisk or if your cup has a lid you can shake it well to dissolve the powder.
  4. In a cup, add the boba pearls and then ice.
  5. Pour in your tea. Then pour in the taro milk.
  6. Taste and stir in more sweetener if you feel it needs it.

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